Sunday, December 21, 2014

Que tengan una Feliz Navidad

Office Staff

Hola familia
I am really excited for christmas to come!! We are having a activity in the ward today and then for christmas eve we will be eating with a family. On christmas we are planning on calling at 5 our time so 1 your time. We are going to be doing it the the relief society presidents house. 
I had a crazy but awesome experience this week. On monday the president sent me an email saying that I needed to deposit a lot of money into a bank account but for some reason I didnt get the mail in my regular inbox so i didnt see it. At like 4 in the afternoon he came and asked if I had deposited the money. After trying to figure out what happened to the email I left running with another missionary to try and pay it becuase he said that It had to be paid that day. That was a little bit of a problem because generally the banks here in chile close at 2, now that it was 4 I was just running and praying for a miracle. We got to the bank and it was still open. I was so grateful that in the end everything worked out and we were able to pay what we needed to pay in time. It is something that may seem so small and insignificant but I was so grateful for the lords help putting everything in order to be able to do what we needed to do. I have seen this day after day that really everything will work out in the end. Mom always said that growing up and sometimes I didnt like it. When I was frustrated or mad I just wanted to be like that so hearing that everything would be ok in the end just added to my stress. Now each day that I have when I am stressed I think of that phase and remember that everything will be ok. It is a  great part of patience  (something I am still working on mastering). 
This week in my study I thought of some things that I wanted to share with you. 
I love this special time of year, The lights and decorations bring a special spirit of happiness to my life. I am so grateful for this special season that we have to remember the birth of our savior Jesus Christ. It is really special for me as I am serving as a representative of Christ during this special time. I truly testify that Christ is the greatest gift of our father. He was born of Mary in a humble manger and lived a great life to show us the way back to our father. As we serve him and strive to be like him we will come to truly know him. At one point this season will end, the trees will come down and the lights will be dimmed. We must not let our spiritual lights inside us be dimmed as well throughout the next year. 2015 will come with many things to do and I know in my life it will be full of many changes and experiences. With all that the new year will bring we must not forget the spirit that we have felt in this special time of year. The spirit of Christ is available to each of us year round, we only have to open our hearts and let it in. 
President Uchdorf said "sometimes the most precious and sacred things are right in front of us, in plain sight, but we cannot or will not see them... I promise that if we unclutter our lives a little bit and in sincerity and humility seek the pure and gentle Christ with our hearts, we will see Him, We will find Him, on Christmas and throughout the year."
I know we can find Christ each day throughout the year. I have felt that more in my mission than every before. Each day I come to know my savior better. As I do that I feel a greater happiness than I have ever felt. 
Christ is our savior. He lived and died for each of us. He lives and soon will come to the earth again. We must live each day in preparation for this glorious day. Lets remember this spirit of Christ that we feel at this time of year and keep it throughout the year. We must make room for Jesus Christ in our inn. Elder Maxwell said, "Each of us is an innkeeper who decides if there is room for Jesus!" Make him room in your hearts. 
Les quiero Mucho
Que tengan una feliz navidad. 
Elder Hamilton


it is a tradition that each week we go to a icecream store that is right in front of where we go for the visas. They say that they got voted one of the best 25 icecream stores in the world. I dont know if it is that good but I like it. 
What a blessing that they always take lots of photos of conferences. 

 Couple that serves in office (and Tynan's ear :)