You got a dog!!!!! Wow it just goes to show a husband is much more convincing than a son. I bet he didnt even do a presentation haha. I want to see a picture of it!!! I cant wait to see it. Will is stay small or get huge?
Family I hope everyone had a great week.
My week went well. We did a lot of walking this week that is without a doubt. Last night my companion and I were so exhasted when we got home. This wednesday we had what we call La replica. It is when the zone leaders and the sister training leaders share all of the presentations that we received when we had our meeting with the president and His wife the week before. It was my first time doing it and it went really well It was a lot of fun. I like giving presentations. A lot of it was focused on Virtue. The president is doing interviews with the missionaries right now, I have mine this week, and he wanted us to study about virtue before the interview. I have really loved the study this week. He gave us a little pamphlet that the chuch has called let virtue garnish thy thoughts and I have been reading that and some of the talks that they suggest reading at the end of the pamphlet. It is a great resource for us all to read to help us with our virtue. In the world it is harder and harder to be virtuous I know it is here in chile and I am sure it is the same all over the world. Now more than ever we have to strenthen our virtue and be not moved! In one talk I read it talked about the importance of temple asistance with virtue. It said that in almost every pornography case that this bishop had seen in adult men, The men had stoped asisting the temple before the adiction began and as our constant temple asistence lowers, so will our virtue. I am so so grateful that we literally have like 15 temples 4 hours from our house and we will soon have 2 in walking distance. I look forward to strengthening my virtue through temple asistance. It is what I have missed most these two years.
We are really happy because after 3 months without a baptism in the zone Two sisters in a place called Los vilos baptised this weekend. We are really grateful to see that the zone is being blessed with more investigatores to teach and progress. As for our area, we are working to find more investigators, like always, because the ones that we have aren´t progresing much. I was very pleased because yesterday various less actives that we had visited durring the week went to church.
It is still hot here generally during the day. At night it gets a little colder and in the morning but we are still not very far out of summer. Everyone says that it should already be colder now. I dont think that it will get that cold when winter finally comes.
Like I said we have interviews this friday and I am very excited for that. Everyone that we have talked to said that the interviews have been very great. They are the last interview that president Kahnlein will have with the missionaries before he leaves. It wont be my last one with him seeing as I leave before he does by two weeks but I am looking forward to the interview a lot!!
I love you all and hope that everything is going ok with everyone.
Elder Hamilton
Tynan has wanted a dog forever. Only problem was for years we already had 2 dogs and a cat. When he was 9 he got a bunny but that really didn't help. it will be a fun thing for when he returns.