Sunday, November 2, 2014

3 Nephi 11

Hola Familia
Tuve una semana magnifica. 
I had a great week this week. I love what I am doing and I love serving the Lord. This week we had our stake conference which was so great. I loved it a lot. President Kähnleins parents were there who are still not members which was cool that they went. This week was good and calm with nothing too new. 
This week we did exchanges with the other two elders from the office and I loved it. We had such an awesome lesson with a family. This family has a friend that is a member in a neighboring stake who called the elders and took them to the house of his friends family. This was the second lession with them and we were talking about the gospel of jesus christ and the things that we need to do here on earth to return to live with god. We were reading in 3 Nephi 11 when Jesus comes to the americas. I love this part of the book of mormon it is so powerful. I love reading about the faithful nephites who were in awe to see Christ. When Jesus was teaching about baptism. The sister, who is catholic, realized how the baptism in the catholic church is different than the way that Christ was baptized and how he taught baptism. It was really awesome and the spirit was so strong. She started crying when we started inviting her to be baptised because she was so happy for her family. Her daughter, who is 14, before didnt really believe in god. She had read her assignment the night before and was really excited. Her mom said that she was so surprised because she normally wasnt like that. I love seeing the changes that people can make in their lives. It is amazing that overnight or over a short period of time people can make these changes.
This last pday we got to go to a baptism and I was so happy for the person getting baptised. If you remember the little girl that was baptised in my area when I first got her to viña. One time when we were visiting her we started talking to her aunts boyfriend who wasnt a member. We were able to share with him like 3 times when he was in thier house and he came to church in our ward once. He lives in central viña where the other to office workers are so we passed the reference to them. This last saturday he got baptised. It was so great to see him do that. I remember the first lesson that we had with him and how he felt a little uncertian. In his baptism he shared his testamony and it was so strong. I loved being able to be so close and see what happened to a reference after we passed it. I was so happy that he got baptized and really happy becuase one of the elders in the office had never done the ordinance of baptising someone before and he got to baptise him. 
It was a really great week and I am looking forward to another great week. I love you so much
Ps- I have already got my halloween stuff taken down and the christmas lights up and they are putting up some christmas lights in central viña too. I love christmas time. 
Les quiero
Elder Hamilton

(Tynan also told me that he will arrive home on June 17!)CH